When America chose to use Korea as a battleground for fighting communism in the Korean War of 1950, it affected millions of lives and created a perpetual link between the two countries. Koreans were forever brought into the American political sphere and subsequently exposed to the culture and ideals of the United States. Many immigrated to the U.S., only to face race-based violence, but also to create beautiful communities and purpose here.

The Korean War, also known as "the Forgotten War" was not the first time Koreans have faced hardship. Korea has been colonized and attacked practically since its conception, so much so that Koreans have a word, Han (한 / 恨), for the sorrow, regret, and anger that all Koreans supposedly feel due to this cyclical suffering.

As the daughter of Korean immigrants, this is my attempt at exposing the historical context within which my family exists, to create a better understanding of white supremacy and Asian stereotypes by demonstrating how they effect individuals within the American context.